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Who is Your Assistant?

Jenna Miles

Owner & Creator of This Is: Your Assistant

After working in various different career paths, I started walking the assisting road when the opportunity opened up to me in 2017. I followed my passion for organization and administrative tasks (am I crazy to say they're relaxing?) and found that assisting was a perfect fit for me and my own personal life goals.


An immense amount of gratitude is owed to my first client, Aimee Batuski. Thanks to her patience and grace on our walk through the beginning stages of my assisting learning curve (aka learning what it takes to be consistent and dependable), I am able to confidently state that: I help overwhelmed business owners take on the never ending little tasks so they can accomplish the BIG things that make more money!

Core Values


    • My goal is to always find the path that will be easiest to follow and maintain. Life is created by all the little things we do in repetition. These small tasks trigger big change over time through compounding return, so I believe in making them sustainable and uncomplicated.


    • Schedules can get crazy, life can throw us curve balls, and every now and then something just comes up. Having a healthy work-life balance is essential to reduce stress and prevent burnout, so I strive for adaptability with my clients to generate forward momentum toward our goals. 


    • Honesty is the strongest foundation for all working relationships. To kindle confidence, I focus on doing what I say I am going to do, by when I say I'm going to do it, so that I can be candid and timely with adjustment requests if deadlines need to be revised.


    • Collaboration and communication are key to achieving my client's goals in a way that speaks to them. Getting to know one another on a deeper level helps guide the creation of individual results, so that I can make sure each client is seen, heard, and given the experience they crave.

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©2022 by TI:YA
Currently Based 
in London, UK

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